Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WOW! Time fly's

I can't believe it has been THREE YEARS since my last post!  Boy has my world changed!  We have another little darling now.  Both my kiddos have food allergies.  G (our Boy) has severe milk/dairy allergy and J(our Girl) has allergy to nuts and peanuts and was egg allergic but outgrew that.  Grrrr...

I'm not going to lie - I HATE FOOD ALLERGIES!  However, I have definatley learned how to live with them and am working on teaching my children to be happy, healthy food allergy self advocates.  They are both so resilient and I am so blessed by the reminders they give me everyday! 

I still hold out hope that G (4 years old) will out grow his milk allergy, but realize that J (2 years old) will not. BOO!

Anyway - thought I'd give a quick update to my current status as a food allergy mama.  I am always look for support and understanding as well as any new research regarding food allergies!  Love to all!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


If there is a mourning phase to dealing with children with milk allergies? I think I am in that phase. I am usually a pretty upbeat person - but I am feeling very sad and discouraged about this.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Skin Test Results

My son had skin test done yesterday. His milk result was 7/25. Guess this confirms the milk allergy. I am so frustrated and sad for him. Since I work outside of the home I have the added cocern that he will be given something with milk while at day care. I have informed his daycare provider about his allergy and she is wonderful about following it - but I am very good at worrying and so...that's what I do.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Beginning

My son was diagnosed with a milk allergy at age four months when I tried supplementing breastfeeding with formula. He experienced facial hives and vomiting. At that point his pediatrician recommended avoiding milk until age 1. I avoided milk in my own diet until I finished breastfeeding. Since he has been drinking Nutramigen formula and I have avoided feeding him foods containing milk (what a project that is). I finally realized that we should confirm this diagnosis and had a skin test done which - unfortunately confirmed this allergy. Now the allergist says that it may be by age 3 or 4 until he grows out of this allergy. Bummer! The allergist also states that we can try to give our son foods with milk cooked in them - but I don't know if I'm buying this! I would rather have a negative skin test first. We'll see...